Aries Full Moon
Posted on 20th October 2021 at 17:24
Have you buckled your seat belt yet?
All of October 2021 has felt as if the cosmic energies are revving up. First, Pluto stationed direct, then Saturn and then on the 18th Mercury and Jupiter did the same. This rumbling of these cosmic cogs may have felt unsettling but it is important that you are ready for the Full Moon in Aries that takes place on 20th October at 3.57 pm.
The Full Moon in Aries opposes the Sun in Libra. This axis urges us to find and maintain that balance between meeting our personal needs and attending to the needs of a significant other. The key lies in healthy compromise. There is just one problem in that the Sun is conjunct Mars, meaning we will feel lots of strong Mars energy on the Full Moon.
Aries is a cardinal sign and this archetypal influence may lead to boldness and impulsivity. Aries rules the head and with it signalling the start of astrological zodiac in Spring it could have you leaping headfirst with a new idea. The recent ending of the 4 planetary retrogrades added to this Full Moon, brings a more decisive and focused mind. What new ideas do you need to put into action and at the same time what do you need to let go of. There is a need to prioritise, you can’t have it all and with the Sun going into Scorpio in the next few days we are reminded of the cycle of death and rebirth.
This Full Moon also rendezvouses with the intense relationship between Pluto and Eris as it creates a T-square, with the Moon and Eris in Aries, the Sun and Mars in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn. Could we see more power struggles and destructive behaviour? I can’t stress enough the importance of observing your triggers and the triggers of others and the need to practise non-violent communication if conflict arises. Peace and compromise is a choice.

I must share with you that so many people are complaining of headaches and digestive issues of late which suggest individually and collectively we are struggling to process the huge amount of energy and change. For such times I recommend wholeheartedly working with the jasper family.
With so many colour choices available in Jasper, it is best to intuitively select the one that really reaches out to you.
Octobers Full Moon is called a Hunters Moon and reminds us that we need to be practical and prepare for the coming winter and Jasper prescriptively aids such endeavours. Jasper is a dense, opaque, microcrystalline variety of Quartz and sustains and supports you during challenging times.
It is a stone of gentle steady resilience that when used over long periods of time entrains the body and mind towards greater calm. Jasper is believed to support immunity, self-discipline, and aid organisation.
Wishing you every blessing for this potent and loaded Full Moon.
Kelly x

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