February Full Moon Shenanigans…. 
February’s Full Moon peaks in Leo today (Wednesday) 16th February at 4.56pm in the UK. With the Full Moon in Leo and the Sun in Aquarius there is a creative focus on looking for ways to move forward serving the greater good of all, especially so, as the moon sits next to the fixed star Regulus. 
However, there are a few aspects that might ignite some drama… 
With the moon quincunx Pluto “the Lord of the Underworld” we might experience a feeling of being inside a pressure. Whilst this might feel uncomfortable, Pluto is pushing us forward. Frustration with lack of progress has weighed heavy the last week with obstacles keep falling on our path. One of the biggest problems is the seasonal lack of physical energy. But like a rolling snowball I hold faith especially because Jupiter in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus just two days later. This suggests luck, optimism, and developments towards breaking free from feelings of constraint and burden. 
Another possible trigger is the conjunction between Mars and Venus. They have a magnetic and repellent relationship. These two can manifest love and/or war together on a personal level and passion and tempers may spike if one doesn’t get their own way. Compromise and compassion is key. 
This Full moon is a pivotal point for creating our destiny as it squares the North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio. Be mindful of presenting drama and stubbornness. The solution lies in allowing all emotional distractions to subside and connecting with your moral heart compass of Regulus. 
Full Moon Blessings to you and yours 
Love always, 
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