Lughnasadh / Lammas Blessings To You
Posted on 1st August 2021 at 16:55
Lughnasadh is the first harvest festival of the wheel of the year.
This cross-quarter holiday, also known as Lammas, meaning “loaf mass”, is one of the Greater Sabbats (the others are Samhain, Imbolc, and Beltane).
Lughnasadh falls halfway between Litha (the Summer Solstice) and the Mabon (the Autumn Equinox).
As Lughnasadh, this holiday is named for the Celtic Sun God Lugh, meaning Shining One. As a deity Lugh, was known to be a "Master of All Trades".
In some traditions he was believed to temper the Sun's powerful rays so as not to over dry the crops.
It is now the time to reap the harvest and look back on your accomplishments throughout the year.
Lughnasadh marks the beginning of the noticeable descent of the Sun into the darkness of winter.
From the connection between the Earth (female principle) and the Sun (male principle), the marriage of the Sky Father (Sun God) with the Earth Mother that was celebrated at Bealtaine/Beltane, emerge the fruits of the first harvest of the year.
Whether celebrated as Lughnasadh or Lammas now is a time of joy about the first harvest.
It is also a time of tension because the dark days of winter are coming nearer, and most of the harvest is not brought in and stored away yet.
Traditionally there are 2 more harvests, the next being Mabon and finally the last being Samhain.
In a spiritual sense you might like to contemplate the following:
What is currently ripening in your life?
What are you sacrificing too much or too little of?
What are you ready to start harvesting?
This time reminds us that the death of the old has the seeds of the new.
As we see the wheat and barley being cut, some of the seeds are used to make bread and yet some are kept for planting in the following year.
May you have a blessed day and enjoy the fruits of yours and your community’s labour.
On this day you might like to do some baking and share this with family and friends. You might like to dress the table with green and gold and have plenty of summer flowers and fresh fruit out.
It is also a day for lighting a candle and honouring how the light sustains you and sending love and gratitude out to the hidden helpers in nature and in the spirit world.
Crystals that have an affinity with this time are: carnelian, obsidian, native copper with malachite, aventurine.
If you would like to learn more, please contact me HERE.
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