Numerology 11
Posted on 11th November 2021 at 21:56
In Numerology, 11 is a master number and holds the qualities of intuition, empathy, responsibility, sensitivity, mature thinking, and intelligence.
With 11 being made with 2 1's, I believe that each 1 holds a mirror for the other 1 and we are asked to see beyond division and separation and consider a higher path of unity. I am not going to lie, it's a tricky energy quality to have and yet it reminds us to be Masters of our own destiny.
Today’s date is 11/11/2021 and if you add all these numbers together till you get a single digit you finally end up with the number 9. 9 is the last single digit and therefore represents endings and beginnings. After 9 you have 10 but when you add 1+0 it equals 1! The number 9 is super evolved and all other numbers can be used to make up a number 9. Other qualities number 9 holds is compassion, forgiveness, consideration of the bigger picture and a spiritual breakdown and break-through.
Tagged as: 11:11, 11numerology, 9numerology, empath, findinglight, highlysensitive, intuitive, kellypeacey, number11, number9, numerology, spiritualawakening, spiritualawareness, spiritualnumbers
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