2022 is a Year 6 in Numerology and strives towards idealism and encourages you to develop and support your dreams for creating a better world. It is a year of being responsible and in service. 
A year 6 emphasises love, relationships and matters of the heart and helps you to see the bigger picture and the implications of one’s part. 
A year 6 vibration encourages you to regroup, focus on home and family, to nurture and be nurtured. It increases empathy and focuses awareness on the emotional body. If you can witness without falling into the ego trap of judgement you have the opportunity to release great pain and suffering for you and others. 
After the whirlwind chaos of a year 5, you can reevaluate what matters and what needs to be done for the greater good of all. 
After 2021 and the exposure of the collective shadow of humanity and its deeply ingrained need for control at any cost, 2022 invites humanity to mend relationships and seek harmony with balanced compromise. 
May the blessings of peace be with you. 
May love illuminate your heart. 
May you rise up and raise others in love and truth. 
Happy and blessed 2022. 
Love always 
Kelly Peacey x 
Tagged as: 6numerology
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