Full Super Flower Moon and South Node Lunar Eclipse
Posted on 15th May 2022 at 23:45
With this super full flower moon conjunct the Scorpio south nodal lunar eclipse, it is setting the tone for the next 6 months and it's important to think before you act and refrain from being your own worst enemy.
We call this a blood moon, as eerily the moon is obscured plunging us into the unconscious. We may have deep revelations about how we have been harming ourselves through self-doubt and refusing to change and let go of old patterns.
Although full moons are always a highly sensitive and intense time, the 2 week eclipse portal commenced with the new moon in Taurus and solar eclipse on April 30th and has gifted us with expanded awareness of both light and dark observations and you may have been more aware of your shortcomings and that of others.
In the run up to this full moon some may feel especially gloomy, anxious, jealous, and triggered! There may be times when you instinctively feel like you want to give a person a generous piece of your mind. Hopefully, the expanded awareness that the eclipse portal has gifted us has meant that you have recognised that any violent retaliation would only perpetuate and continue cycles of karmic personal and collective suffering and pain.

With Mercury retrograde until June our thinking processes are somewhat slower, and we must continue to honour and develop deeper consideration and thoughtfulness on this transforming full moon especially because Saturn in Aquarius squares the nodal axis of the eclipse reminding us to look forwards to act "re-sponsibly" and not "re-actively" so as not to perpetuate more suffering for everyone.
May you be blessed always,
Kelly Peacey
P.S. 5:13 am is BST
Tagged as: eclipseseason, Energy Update, energyawareness, findinglight, lunareclipse2022, lunareclipsecrystal, mahoganyobsidian, self-healing, shadow healing, shadow work, soulwork, spiritual self-care, spiritualawareness
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